And I'm not scared to say it. I love gluten. If I were gluten intolerant, I'd be a hot mess to live with! Talk about a grouchy old bear! HAA!! Bread is just beautiful. I love all bread be it white loaf bread, whole wheat, potato, corn, sourdough, French, Italian, biscuits, scones, pita, tortilla's, etc....You get the picture, surely! The only thing as good as bread itself is being able to MAKE bread! And I'm lucky because I learned as a teenage the proper way to handle and respect bread dough, and it's a skill I've always valued. Back in those days, I worked at the world famous Smith House #thesmithhouse in Dahlonega, GA and earned my baking badge, so to speak, from 2 fabulous bakers: Edd & Estelle. We had quite a time in that bakery churning out cornbread by the tub-load, and pan after pan of giant yeast rolls. They were melt-in-your-mouth, yeasty, yummy goodness that thankfully I am able to recreate in my home kitchen all these years later. Lucky me! I'm glad I paid attention "in class," because once you learn the skill, you don't easily forget it. Have a look through my pics, then watch the tutorial video. I've broken down the steps into an easy-to-follow guide so you, too, can make yeast rolls like a pro! Be sure to let me know how it goes!!! Can't wait to hear from you!

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Recipe for downloading or printing:
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