I can't think of a single person who doesn't like a cobbler. What's not to love? Fruit in a thick, sweet sauce covered with a buttery, flaky crust?? Seriously?? Who doesn't love that? Served with a scoop of ice cream and we're talking about a serious dessert! Just the thought makes me smile, and I bet you're smiling, too. Berry season in GA this year has been outrageous! From strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries, well, it's been a bumper crop! It doesn't have to be summertime for your to enjoy a cobbler, though. You can make a mighty fine cobbler using frozen fruit! The variety of fruit available is staggering--heck, you could even make a mango-pineapple cobbler! Doesn't that sound good? Now, I won't lie--I've never had a banana cobbler but, heck, no judgement here! You make one and let me know how it goes. <wink> Pie lovers generally aren't cobbler fans, oddly enough. People who prefer pie like the slice and serve method. Cobbler lovers, on the other hand, will gladly eat a piece of pie. But they'd rather have a bowl of yummy goodness, no lie! Regardless of which team you prefer, I hope you try your hand at cobbler making. Consider it a heritage experiment---our forefathers were making cobblers hundreds of years ago! Or would that be foremothers? Hmm....Whatever. Ha! Make a cobbler and let me know how it goes. Be sure to send me a photo so I can see your creation! ♥

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